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Why Choose Over Others?
We understand the unique challenges faced by indie game studios and job seekers. Our platform is built to connect talent with studios in a way that’s focused, efficient, and tailored for the indie game industry.
Indie-Centric Focus
Unlike other platforms, we exclusively cater to indie game studios and professionals, ensuring a perfect match.
Detailed Application Tests
Create job-specific tests to quickly assess candidates' skills and knowledge, making the hiring process faster and more accurate.
Stand Out from the Crowd
Applicants have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and passion, beyond just a resume or portfolio.
Industry-Specific Tags
We use detailed tags to ensure that job recommendations are accurate and tailored, making job hunting easier.
Remote Opportunities
Our platform is built for the modern age, focusing on remote job opportunities, connecting studios with global talent.
Affordable Pricing
Companies pay a one-time fee starting from €50 based on company size, with unlimited job postings.
Features Tailored for Indie Studios
Built-In Application Form
No need for Google Forms or external tools – we provide a fully integrated application system with built-in analysis.
Customizable Screening Tests
Design individual tests to filter out applicants and quickly identify top talent with relevant skills.
Detailed Analytics
Track application statistics, analyze skills, and view graphical overviews of all applications.
Web Widget Integration
Easily integrate a list of your job postings on your website with our custom web widget.
Benefits for Job Seekers
Personalized Recommendations
Receive tailored job recommendations based on your skills and interests, thanks to our industry-specific tags.
Interactive Application Process
Stand out by demonstrating your knowledge through application tests and prove your expertise.
Bookmark Your Favorites
Save interesting job postings and apply whenever you're ready.
Stay Informed
Set up daily or weekly job alerts, ensuring you never miss out on opportunities.
Create Your Profile
Showcase your skills and experience, or post job openings if you're an indie studio looking for talent.
Apply or Post Jobs
Studios can post detailed job openings, while job seekers can explore and apply to positions that match their skills.
Skill Evaluation
Use our built-in application tests to demonstrate your skills, or evaluate candidates quickly with detailed analytics.